Baphomet (Gnostic Series) Baphomet, whose two hands form the...
Baphomet (Gnostic Series)
Baphomet, whose two hands form the sign of hermetism, expresses the perfect harmony of mercy with justice. The flame of intelligence shining between his horns is the mystic light of the universal balance, the image of the soul elevated above matter, as the flame, whilst being tied to matter, shines above it. The beast’s head expresses the horror of the sinner to bear the punishment exclusively in sake of the soul. The erect male genitals symbolizes eternal life while humanity is represented by the two female breasts…the androgyn attributes that unite with the goat because they are one and the same.
Model: Jenni
Created with a real goat skull, artificial male appendage & flaming orb w/no effects added digitally.
Featured at “Sacred Visions” @ The Scarab Club on 11/15/2012, as well as Dirty Show 9 and DAMNED II.
For prints, lighters, cases and other merchandise, please click here.
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/1athcXg
Lilith Rising (Gnostic Series) "He then created a woman for...
Lilith Rising (Gnostic Series)
"He then created a woman for Adam, from the earth, as He had created Adam himself, and called her Lilith." - Alphabetum Siracidis
In Hebrew Midrashic literature, Lilith was formed simultaneously as Adam, though not of pure earth but of darkened sediment. Created as the first woman and wife of Adam, conflict arose when Adam demanded she lie beneath him. Lilith, viewing herself as his equal, refused to submit and disappeared to the Red Sea. Despite the threat of angels, she never returned and Eve was later created.
Model: Abigail
Created simply using imported Dead Sea mud w/no effects added digitally.
Featured at my solo exhibition “Sacred Visions” @ The Scarab Club on 11/15/2012, as well as DAMNED III.
For prints, lighters, cases and other merchandise, please click here.
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/1awDdlA
Gaea (Gnostic Series) Gaea (or Gaia) is the Greek Protogenos...
Gaea (Gnostic Series)
Gaea (or Gaia) is the Greek Protogenos (primeval divinity) of earth and one of the primal elements who first emerged at the dawn of creation. She was the great mother of all: the heavenly gods were descended from her union with Ouranos (the sky, also her first offspring), the sea-gods from her union with Pontos (the sea), the Gigantes from her mating with Tartaros (the hell-pit) and mortal creatures from her earthy flesh. Today, Gaea is often viewed as the complex organism Earth, as well as the spiritual embodiment of the earth itself.
Model: Xaina
Created using realtime video projection w/no effects added digitally.
Featured at “Sacred Visions” @ The Scarab Club on 11/15/2012.
For prints, lighters, cases and other merchandise, please click here.
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/1aRLr8g
Vesuvius Remembered (Vesuvius Series) This is part of a large...
Vesuvius Remembered (Vesuvius Series)
This is part of a large continuing series that tributes the tragic victims of Mount Vesuvius and the lost cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Enveloped suddenly by the burning ash of volcanic explosion, many were discovered centuries later fossilized within an eternal embrace to find some haven from this cataclysmal event. This series is not to exploit their great anguish and death, but to reflect upon the compassion they sought within each other in their final moments of life.
Model: Dekilah
Created simply with a single divine light, a layering of Dead Sea mud, gently sifted ashes and “Proverb” by Steve Reich.
This series premiered at my solo exhibition “III - An Exhibition Trinity” on 11/11/11.
For prints, lighters, cases and other merchandise, please click here.
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/1gLbUVH
Labels: Art, Dekilah, Detroit, DVS, Photography, Pompeii, Steve Reich, Tumblr, Vesuvius
The Calming of Kali (Gnostic Series)

The Calming of Kali (Gnostic Series)
Kali Ma, called the “Dark Mother,” is the Hindu goddess of creation, preservation, and destruction. Her name, the feminine form of ka-la, primarily means “time” but also means “black” in honor of being the first creation before light and time itself. Traditionally depicted as the Destroyer calming her bloodlust by mounting her consort Shiva amidst the blood-soaked battlefield, a rare legend presents her as Maternal Protector with Shiva appearing amongst the destruction, not as her mate, but as an infant, crying aloud. Kali, hearing the distress of the helpless child, ceases her carnage to pick up and breast feed the infant, calming her ferocity.
Model: Dekilah (with Sarah as secondary arm model)
Bodypaint: Mosque Teiro
Created using bodypaint and secondary arm model w/no effects added digitally.
Featured at “Sacred Visions” @ The Scarab Club on 11/15/2012.
For prints, lighters, cases and other merchandise, please click here.
(from Tumblr http://dvsdetroit.tumblr.com/post/73318267339)