
Changes...part 2

Ack...I told myself that I wouldn't use this journal for ramblings other than ones in artistic form. Change. It can truly be a wonderful thing at times. But sometimes when you are desperately seeking it to help bring you back into the light, you have to create it yourself.

A month back I was in a car accident that broke my car. But little did I know that this accident would be something good for me. It made me think about my life once again and do things that were always "not me".

So...within this change comes a new car (a midnight sparkly blue Vibe...yes, I said blue). Color has started to become important to me now. I've been using vivid red quite a bit recently within my photographic work. And within my home.

What other changes...new spiritual people in my life to help keep my focus. Quitting smoking. Working out again. Redecorating the house. A new job. Reviving my independant films. Started a new spiritual photo series. Yadda yadda yadda.

I still feel lost at times with a slight emptiness deep within, but I will always be okay. I know something truly amazing is coming to me. I feel it even deeper with. All it is is a matter of time.

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